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cBridge (Celer) logocBridge (Celer)


Celer cBridge offers cross-chain token bridging in two modes: Token Bridge and Liquidity Network. It also offers AMB facility - ability to pass arbitrary messages across chains.

  • Total value secured
  • Destination
  • Validated by
    Third Party
  • Type

  • About

    Celer cBridge offers cross-chain token bridging in two modes: Token Bridge and Liquidity Network. It also offers AMB facility - ability to pass arbitrary messages across chains.

    Value Secured

    2024 Mar 14 — 2025 Mar 14

    Detailed description

    Celer cBridge offers cross-chain token bridging in two modes: Token Bridge and Liquidity Network. It also offers AMB facility - ability to pass arbitrary messages across chains.

    It leverages the “State Guardian Network” aka SGN to perform cross-chain communication. For Liquidity Network, liquidity providers need to rely on SGN to remove their funds from the network.

    Risk summary

    Principle of operation

    Celer cBridge is a hybrid solution able to work in two modes: Token Bridge and Liquidity Network, depending on the token and destination chain. More information is provided in Destination Tokens section.

    • Funds can be frozen if validators (SGN) decide to not process a withdrawal request from liquidity providers.

    1. Bridging models

    Transfers are externally verified

    Validation process takes place in an external network called SGN that is operated by validators running on Tendermint consensus protocol. Nodes in the network observe contracts on each supported chain and sign messages when everything is correct. Based on the signature user can withdraw funds from the bridge.

    • Users can be censored if validators (SGN) decide to stop processing certain transactions.

    • Funds can be stolen if validators (SGN) allow to mint more tokens than there are locked on Ethereum thus preventing some existing holders from being able to bring their funds back to Ethereum.

    • Funds can be stolen if validators (SGN) sign a fraudulent message allowing themselves to withdraw all locked funds.

    1. State Guardian Network (SGN)

    Destination tokens

    Celer cBridge works in two token bridging models: xAsset and xLiquidity. xAsset model, the canonical mapping bridge, is intended for a token that is deployed on Ethereum but is not deployed on the destination chain. In this case cBridge will deploy a mapped version of the token on destination via lock-mint model. xLiquidity model, the pool-based bridge, is intended for token already deployed on Ethereum and destination. When users transfer between these chains they will be depositing their tokens into the pool on Ethereum and withdrawing a matching number of tokens from the pool on the destination chain based on a bridge rate generated by the StableSwap price curve. Additionally, it is worth pointing out that Celer introduced xAsset V2, the standard allowing for seamless cross-chain bridged assets transfers, without the need to return to source chain for liquidity. It is accomplished by changing the lock-mint model from V1 to burn-mint model in V2. What is more, Celer introduced “Open Canonical Token Bridge Standard” aiming to prevent bridge vendor lock-in.

    1. Bridging models
    2. Open Canonical Token Bridge Standard
    3. xAsset V2
    4. StableSwap



    Bridge Governance 0x606d…b175

    The owner of the main bridge contract, can update bridge parameters such as Token Bridge and Liquidity Network addresses.

    Bridge Governance (2) 0xF380…6575

    The owner of both PeggedTokenBridges, the Liquidity Network, the TransferAgent and Sentinel is a governance contract with the permissions to manage: signers responsible for messages relaying, pausers with the ability to pause the bridge as well as governance of the system.

    Can modify bridge operational parameters such as minimal and maximal send amounts, max slippage and transfer delay.

    Can pause and unpause the system.

    Sentinel Admin 0xF380…6575

    Can add and remove governors and pausers from the system.

    Smart contracts
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture


    Contract providing cross-chain AMB facility. It connects with Liquidity Network and Token Bridges to processes certain types of messages.

    Liquidity Network 0x5427…1820

    Contract providing cross-chain swaps, allows user to deposit funds and withdraw them. Additionally user can add liquidity to this address to generate yield. The contract is pausable by Full Pausers, Partial Pausers. This contract stores the following tokens: ETH, USDC, WETH, USDT, MASK, BUSD, LYRA.

    OriginalTokenVault 0xB37D…8595

    Contract serving as token bridge, user can deposit funds and later withdraw them from this escrow. The contract is pausable by Full Pausers, Partial Pausers. This contract stores the following tokens: USDC, WETH, USDT, FRAX, DAI, RLY, WBTC, CELR, FXS, WXT.

    OriginalTokenVaultV2 0x7510…bAE1

    Contract serving as token bridge, user can deposit funds and later withdraw them from this escrow. The contract is pausable by Full Pausers, Partial Pausers. This contract stores the following tokens: WETH, PSTAKE.

    PeggedTokenBridge 0x1636…95eB

    Contract minting/burning tokens when receiving a message from Token Bridge. The contract is pausable by Full Pausers, Partial Pausers.

    PeggedTokenBridgeV2 0x52E4…e084

    Contract minting/burning tokens when receiving a message from Token Bridge. The contract is pausable by Full Pausers, Partial Pausers.

    TransferAgent 0x9b27…1a0b

    Routing contract that transfers assets cross-chain using either Liquidity Network or Token Bridge.

    Contract storing additional governors and pausers.