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StarGate (LayerZero) logoStarGate (LayerZero)


StarGate is built on top of LayerZero protocol and is a liquidity network for cross-chain transfer for assets.

  • Total value secured
  • Destination
  • Validated by
    Third Party
  • Type
    Liquidity Network

  • About

    StarGate is built on top of LayerZero protocol and is a liquidity network for cross-chain transfer for assets.

    Value Secured

    2024 Mar 14 — 2025 Mar 14

    Detailed description

    StarGate is built on top of LayerZero protocol and is a liquidity network for cross-chain transfer for assets.

    It leverages an oracle and relayer for cross-chain security for the protocol. Note that StarGate UI also supports omnichain tokens built directly on top of LayerZero protocol, e.g. JOE.

    Risk summary
    This project includes unverified contracts. (CRITICAL)

    Principle of operation

    StarGate is a Liquidity Network. It relies on liquidity providers to supply tokens to liquidity pools on each chain. Users can swap tokens between chains by transferring their tokens to a pool and receive token from the pool on the destination chain.

    Oracles and relayers

    Note: This section requires more research and might not present accurate information.

    StarGate is built on top of LayerZero protocol. LayerZero relies on oracles to periodically submit source chain block hashes to the destination chain. Once block hash is submitted, relayers can provide the merkle proof for the transfers / swaps.

    • Users can be censored if oracles or relayers fail to facilitate the transfer.

    • Funds can be stolen if oracles and relayers collude to submit fraudulent block hash and relay fraudulent transfer .




    StarGate Multisig 0x65bb…9705

    A Multisig with 3/6 threshold. Bridge owner, can create new pools, chainpaths, set fees.

    Used in:

    LayerZero Multisig 0xCDa8…4C92

    A Multisig with 3/5 threshold. The owner of Endpoint, UltraLightNode and Treasury contracts. Can switch to a new UltraLightNode for an Endpoint. Can switch proof library for an UltraLightNode and change Treasury.

    Used in:

    LayerZero Relayer 0x902F…089E

    Contract authorized to relay messages and - as a result - withdraw funds from the bridge.

    Used in:

    LayerZero Relayer Admin owner 0x76F6…d6e5

    Can upgrade LayerZero relayer contract with no delay.

    Used in:

    LayerZero Oracle Admin owner 0x7B80…e6c8

    Can upgrade LayerZero oracle contract with no delay.

    Used in:

    Smart contracts


    Entry point for the user interaction with StarGate Bridge, handles the logic of swaps and adding liquidity, send messages to the bridge.

    Main bridge contract, receives messages from LayerZero Endpoint, stores bridge configuration.

    Factory contract managing all liquidity pools.

    The source code of this contract is not verified on Etherscan.

    Proxy used in:

    Google Cloud Oracle 0xD56e…C7cc

    Proxy used in:

    The source code of this contract is not verified on Etherscan.

    Proxy used in:

    Endpoint 0x66A7…d675

    LayerZero Ethereum Endpoint.

    Proxy used in:

    UltraLightNodeV2 0x4D73…78E2

    LayerZero UltraLight Node. Used by oracles to checkpoint source chain block hashes.

    Proxy used in:

    Value Secured is calculated based on these smart contracts and tokens:

    Escrow for USDC 0xdf07…FF56

    USDC Escrow

    Escrow for USDT 0x38EA…D783

    USDT Escrow

    Escrow for USDD 0x6929…374e

    USDD Escrow

    Escrow for DAI 0x0Faf…850d

    DAI Escrow

    Escrow for FRAX 0xfA0F…6e68

    FRAX Escrow

    Escrow for LUSD 0xE8F5…8CC2

    LUSD Escrow

    Escrow for Metis 0xd877…Da47

    METIS Escrow

    Escrow for USDT 0x430E…116d

    USDT Pool 2

    Escrow for WOO 0x1CE6…3A09

    WOO Pool

    Escrow for mETH 0xA572…618c

    mETH Pool

    The current deployment carries some associated risks:

    • Funds can be stolen if the source code of unverified contracts contains malicious code (CRITICAL).