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Espresso DA is a three-layer data availability (DA) solution based on the HotShot consensus.
There are no onchain assets at risk of being slashed in case of a data withholding attack. However, there is indirect economic security derived by the committee members being publicly known, and their reputation is at stake should they behave maliciously.
There is no fraud detection mechanism in place. A data withholding attack can only be detected by nodes downloading the full data from the DA layer.
Currently only a fixed set of pre-registered operators can run a node. The Espresso Network will upgrade to proof-of-stake in a later release. Espresso uses the HotShot consensus protocol, a communication-efficient proof-of-stake system that is Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT). The protocol is currently permissioned, with a fixed set of 100 nodes participating in consensus. Built on HotStuff-2, it achieves linear communication complexity using a pacemaker module to synchronize views and ensures safety and liveness as long as over two-thirds of the stake is controlled by honest nodes. HotShot operates in a view-by-view manner, where each view designates a leader and an external builder. During a view, the consensus proposer finalizes a block with a certificate of availability by utilizing Espresso DA for data availability.
Once the proposer sends data to HotShot node operators, they initiate Espresso DA’s three layers of data availability:
Once nodes receive and store the data, they return votes to the proposer. DAVotes are votes from committee nodes storing the full data, while QuorumVotes are votes from nodes storing erasure-coded shares of the data. A DA certificate consists of two components, the retrievability certificate and the optimistic DAC certificate:
Once the DAC is formed, the DA leader stops broadcasting data to the nodes.
The life cycle of L2 transactions begins with users submitting transactions to the Espresso DA mempool through an RPC endpoint, or directly to the block builder private mempool, including a namespace ID to indicate the target L2 rollup. A DA leader collects and disperses these transactions across Espresso DA’s layers to form a DA certificate. The leader then broadcasts a proposal with a vector commitment for the transactions to the HotShot consensus layer. The finalization of the block commitment in HotShot establishes data availability for the corresponding transactions. After block finalization in HotShot, the relayer propagates the commitment and quorum certificates to the L1 Light Client contract, which verifies the certificate and the HotShot state SNARK proof via the verifyProof function. Users can retrieve data by querying any of Espresso DA’s layers, though the VID layer is slower due to the reconstruction of erasure-coded shares. L2s can also use a verifyInclusion function on an L1 light client smart contract to confirm a blob’s inclusion in the Espresso DA HotShot chain.
The risk profile in this page refers to L2s that do not integrate with a data availability bridge. Projects not integrating with a functional DA bridge rely only on the data availability attestation of the sequencer.
There is no committee attesting to the availability of data.
The relayer does not contribute to the DA bridge liveness since data availability attestations are not integrated in the scaling solution’s proof system.
No DA bridge is selected. Without a DA bridge, Ethereum has no proof of data availability for this project.