16 min read • Published on 9 Sep 2024

Governance Review #26

Avatar of Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Governance Representative

Starknet's first vote, Arbitrum's continued activity, and the introduction of Lisk in the governance review

Governance Review #26 publication thumbnail


Things are calm in Optimism during Voting Cycle 27, but Blockspace Charters has everyone’s mindshare.

Cycle 27 Intent 3A Mission Request and Sponsorship

Gonna, the Grants Council lead, created a thread to help everyone keep track of new Mission Requests in Cycle 27 and will create a similar thread for each new cycle. Anyone who creates a new Mission Request is asked to follow the steps outlined in the thread to help aggregate all Mission Requests in one place for convenience.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We are interested in discussing Blockspace Charters to hear the community’s opinion of them. Michael has started a discussion that we’re keen to get deeper into.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all of the above and more during our Optimism Office Hours every Tuesday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Joint House Community Call on 10.9 at 6:00 pm


Events, incentives, discussions, and updates. Last week was busy for Arbitrum DAO contributors and delegates.

Active Votes


Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon - ends on September 13 at 03:24 UTC.


ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee Phase II – ends on September 12 at 11:00 UTC.

[Pyth Network] Arbitrum LTIPP Extension Request – ends on September 12 at 11:00 UTC.

Enhancing Multichain Governance: Upgrading RARI Governance Token on Arbitrum – ends on September 12 at 15:57 UTC.

Synthetix LTIP Grant Extension Request – ends on September 12 at 22:00 UTC.

Fund the Stylus Sprint – ends on September 13 at 03:11 UTC.

The Arbitrum Foundation Bi-annual Progress Update (H1’2024)

The Arbitrum Foundation published its Progress Update for the first half of 2024 (H1’2024). This report is a bi-annual update to the Transparency Report published annually (in the first quarter) and details the Foundation’s activities and their impact on the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Announcement: Whitelisted Providers for the ADPC Security Services Panel

ImmutableLawyer published a post on behalf of the ADPC to announce the first group of security service providers who have been whitelisted under the ADPC Security Services Panel and Procurement Framework. The service providers are (random order):

  • ThreeSigma
  • Spearbit
  • ImmuneFi
  • Zellic
  • Cyfrin
  • OpenZeppelin
  • Sherlock
  • Guardian
  • Hacken

For projects interested in security-service subsidies, please complete this expression of interest form: Declaration of Interest—Subsidy Fund—NoteForms.

[ARDC] August Update

As the DAO Advocate for the ARDC, we (L2BEAT) have published an update on what the ARDC delivered during August and what workstreams are still being worked on. As a reference, the deliverables published by the ARDC during August were:

  • Memo on staking
  • TBV and CDP research
  • Arbitrum Governor V2 Review
  • Arbitrum Governance Upgrade Rollout & Timeline
  • TBV and CDP risk analysis
  • DAO Income analysis and path to staking memo
  • Risk analysis of adjusting the minimum base fee on Arbitrum

The DAO Advocate communication thread linked above contains a full list of deliverables and links to the deliverables themselves.

[RFC] Terms of Tenure for STEP Program Manager

Devansh submitted an RFC to seek the DAO’s input on the terms of tenure for the STEP program manager. Specifically, the original proposal had earmarked 100,000 ARB as payment to the program manager for one year (which was converted to $86,581), while Steakhouse quoted a fee of $174,000/year in their application.

The proposed solutions outlined in the RFC are to:

  • Approve only a 6-month contract from available funds
  • Earmark additional funds so they complete their one-year tenure
  • Not have a program manager, which will result in the liquidation of the RWAs
  • Conduct a new RFP to select a program manager for one year at $86,581

[RFC] Arbitrum Offsite format: online vs IRL

Danielo submitted an RFC that proposes organizing a dedicated off-site event in Q4 2024, focusing on strategic alignment and problem-solving sessions. The RFC is following up on a successful temp check, and it’s attempting to narrow down the event’s format rather than propose something concrete.

The three options being explored are:

  1. IRL event next to a major event (e.g., DevCon in Thailand)
  2. Stand-alone IRL event
  3. Online event

The current projected budget for facilitating the event is around $15,000, but that’s subject to change based on the DAO’s decision. Under the proposal, delegates are encouraged to voice their opinions, questions, and concerns, as it should be an exploration.

[RFC] GovHack Core Series - Hack Humanity

KlausBrave submitted an RFC to propose the GovHack Core Series, a series of three annual three-day events before DevCon, ETHDenver, and EthCC. The series is designed for 60-80 key stakeholders in the Arbitrum ecosystem. The total requested annual budget is $558,000.

Delegates are encouraged to review the impact report from ETHcc’s GovHack to better understand the event’s impact and associated costs.

[RFC] Synthetix LTIP Grant Extension Request

MattL from Synthetix published an RFC that requests an 8-week extension for its LTIP grant to align with the launch of Perps Multi-Collateral and distribute 900k ARB in trading fee rebates. This extension will run from September 16th to November 16th, 2024.

Synthetix had originally received a 2,000,000 ARB grant, of which they have already distributed 1,100,000. With their extension request, they’re asking for the DAO’s permission to utilize the remaining 900,000 ARB as trading fee rebates over the next eight weeks at a rate of 112,500 ARB per week.

[RFC] Pyth Network Arbitrum LTIPP Extension Request

KemarTiti submitted an RFC that seeks a 12-week extension of Pyth Network’s LTIPP grant to November 30, 2024. Pyth had originally received 1,000,000 ARB, of which they’ve only distributed 75,042. With their proposal, Pyth requests the DAO’s permission to retain 174,958 ARB and continue distributing it over the next 13 weeks, bringing the total ‘spend’ to 250,000 ARB. The remaining 750,000 will be returned to the DAO’s treasury.

[RFC] Gyroscope LTIPP Grant Extension Request

Jooooo5as submitted an RFC on behalf of Gyroscope seeking the extension of its LTIPP grant until October 2024 to ensure they have adequate time to distribute the remaining 20,000 ARB from the 100,000 ARB they originally received.

[Update] Liquidity Incentives Working Group

Following the successful temp-check of the ‘Incentives Detox’ proposal, we (L2BEAT) have been facilitating the creation and recurring meetings of a working group that will focus on analyzing the lessons learned from all previous programs and eventually help design (a) new, more efficient, incentives program(s). The working group meets every Wednesday at 3 pm UTC at this link.

The recordings and summaries from the previous calls are in the thread here.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’d like to hear the community’s opinion on the two events-related proposals and what the DAO should do in response to the LTIPP extension requests, given the Incentives Detox proposal that passed a few weeks ago.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all of the above and more during our Arbitrum Office Hours every Thursday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

RWA Innovation Grants Program: Grantee Showcase on 10.9 at 1:00 pm

Open Discussion of Proposal(s) on 10.9 at 4:00 pm

Entropy Advisors - Biweekly Office Hours on 10.9 at 5:15 pm

Thank ARB Demo Day on 11.9 at 1:00 pm

AVI Office Hours on 11.9 at 3:00 pm

Arbitrum Incentives Working Group on 11.9 at 4:00 pm

Social Media Fellowship on 12.9 at 5:00 pm


Uniswap renewed its delegate incentives and is also looking to renew the Uniswap Accountability Committee and the biweekly community calls.

Active Votes


Proposal to active 2, 3, 4 bps fee-tiers on Base – ends on September 13 at 05:38 UTC.


Ethereum Foundation Attackathon Sponsorship – ends on September 9 at 23:24 UTC.

Uniswap Accountability Committee (UAC): Season 2 Report

AbdullahUmar published the Season 2 report on behalf of the Uniswap Accountability Committee (UAC). The report outlines the operations and programs with UAC oversight and provides a financial recap of account balances and expenditures. At the same time, it’s meant to serve as a ‘request for comment (RFC)’ for a 7-month renewal of the UAC for Season 3.

The Committee is requesting $248,153.56, payable in UNI, for the renewal of the UAC. We encourage you to read the report linked above for a full breakdown of Season 2’s financials.

Uniswap Governance Community Calls

AbdullahUmar published a post announcing that the Uniswap Community Calls will be resumed under the Uniswap Accountability Committee’s (UAC) lead. The calls will happen every second Tuesday of every month at 10 a.m. EST (2 p.m. UTC). You can keep track of the calls using the Uniswap Governance Calendar.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re interested in discussing all issues that might require our attention. If there’s something specific you want to discuss regarding Uniswap and its governance, please reach out to us.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Uniswap Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Governance Community Call on 10.9 at 2:00 pm


Hop is electing new multisig signers for the DAO’s community multisig, and the Grants Committee is almost ready to publish its list of RFPs.

Active Votes


Hop DAO Multisig Signers Election (Cohort #3) – ends on September 10 at 16:56 UTC.

Hop DAO Multisig Signers Election (Cohort #3)

The Hop DAO multisig is refreshing its signers through an election process. One signer resigned from the previous cohort and just two new nominations. The election vote is up on Snapshot, and it includes all the past signers as well as the two new nominations (6 in total), out of which five will be elected.

Disclaimer: Sinkas has applied to be a signer on Hop’s DAO multisig as an individual, not as a member or representative of L2BEAT.

Community Call meeting minutes

Thegreg.eth published meeting minutes from the Hop community call on September 4th. The key highlights include:

  • Two new nominations for the Hop DAO Multisig Signers election
  • Hop utilized 85% of the 500,000 ARB grant received from Arbitrum in the context of LTIPP.
  • The Grants Committee will publish the RFP list through various channels.
  • The Head of DAO Operations role concluded on August 28th. Renewal was discussed.

Discuss with L2BEAT

With the Hop grants program almost ready to publish its RFP list, we’re interested in discussing with individuals, teams, or projects considering building something for Hop.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Hop Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Hop Community Call on 18.9 at 5:00 pm


Polygon has transitioned from MATIC to POL.

MATIC - POL Migration: Transparency Report

Maxsam4 from Polygon published a transparency report. After evaluating the efficacy, impact, execution specifications, and security considerations, the PC has reached a supermajority consensus of 10/13, thereby executing the change without timelock.

AggLayer list of developer resources

Swader, DevRel at Polygon, published a list of developer resources for anyone interested in building on/for AggLayer. The list includes tutorials and explainers, developer tools, chain dev tools, and implementers.

Upgrade to the Polygon Plasma and PoS Portal Smart Contracts

Parvez03 from the Validator’s Support team at PolygonLabs announced that an upgrade to the Polygon Plasma and PoS Portal Smart Contracts was successfully completed. The upgrade addressed an issue in RLP decoding to enhance the security, performance, and functionality of the smart contracts in preparation for the POL upgrade.

Discuss with L2BEAT

If there’s anything in Polygon that you believe we should be aware of or involved in, please reach out to let us know.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Polygon Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


The first-ever vote on Starknet mainnet is all the rage this week.

Active Votes

Staking on Starknet – ends on 13 September at 09:00 UTC.

Vote starting announcement

BoazStark published a post to remind everyone that the first-ever vote on Starknet mainnet is taking place. The vote will start on September 10, and the deadline to vote is September 13th at 9:00 am UTC.

To vote, ensure you’ve delegated your voting power to a delegate or yourself before the vote starts.

Discuss with L2BEAT

The first vote on Starknet’s mainnet signifies the beginning of its active governance. We’re interested in discussing with other delegates and stakeholders how we can best shape Starknet’s future through governance.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Starknet Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


Following the extension of the current Security Council cohort, Everclear is now voting to upgrade the structure of the Security Council and the election process for the next cohort.

Active Votes


Executable EGP 19 - Everclear Security Council Upgrade – ends on September 11 at 20:41 UTC.


Social CGP - Introducing NEXT Bonding - the NEXT Token Upgrade – ends on September 15 at 19:57 UTC.

The Incomplete Guide to Submitting a Proposal to the Everclear DAO

As the Operations Officer of Everclear’s Governance Task Force (GTF), we (L2BEAT) have published a guide on how anyone can submit a proposal to Everclear’s DAO. Although not an official document, the guide provides useful information on the process of submitting a proposal for delegates to consider and a lot of ‘unofficial’ tips.

[RFC] EverClear Governance Analytics Dashboard

Curia published an RFC proposing the development of the EverClear Governance Analytics Dashboard to support ongoing governance initiatives within the EverClear DAO, enhance transparency, and provide comprehensive insights into governance data.

Delegates can choose from two different ‘packages’ with different features, costing $26,000 or $37,000 as a ballpark figure, contingent on the complexity of aggregating and analyzing data across various blockchains.

Everclear Governance Task Force - Communication Thread Update

SEEDGov, the Program Manager of Everclear’s GTF, posted a status update covering all the activities that GTF was involved in from August 19th to September 2nd.

Understanding Next Token Supply

TommyR8 from Everclear Foundation posted a response to DAOPlomats’ analysis of the NEXT token supply to provide additional information on the circulating supply, including specific numbers. By going through the thread, one can comprehensively understand $NEXT’s total and circulating supply.

Discuss with L2BEAT

The proposal to upgrade the Security Council and establish its election process is the most notable this week, and we’re eager to discuss it with other delegates and Everclear stakeholders. Additionally, we’d love to connect with any individuals or organizations planning to nominate themselves to be members of the Security Council.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Everclear Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Everclear Delegates Call on 19.9 at 3:00 pm


Discuss with L2BEAT

Wormhole’s governance hasn’t seen any new developments over the last week. If you believe we might have missed something, please let us know. Regardless of any news, we’re interested in discussing it with other Wormhole delegates, so if that’s you, shoot us a message.


L2BEAT will slowly start getting involved in Lisk’s governance as delegates. That means we’ll also begin to include Lisk in our governance review from now on.

Lisk DAO constitution

Mona published a post outlining Lisk DAO’s Constitution, a living yet lasting record of the DAO’s purpose, values, and decision-making processes. The Constitution was formulated through governance, and it can be altered through the same process.

Lisk is part of the Superchain and as such, is subject to Optimism’s Law of Chains. That means that any proposal conflicting with the rules set forward in the Law of Chains will automatically be disregarded from Lisk’s governance process.

The Constitution provides comprehensive information on voting, the Security Council and its powers, the role of Onchain Foundation, the treasury and its financial breakdown, the kind of proposals, and the governance process and execution of proposals.

Delegate to L2BEAT

If you’re holding $LSK and want to delegate your voting power, you must stake it to receive $vLSK. You can stake your tokens on the Lisk Portal, and then you can delegate the $vLSK you’ll receive on Tally.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re fairly new to Lisk’s governance, and we’d love to meet other delegates and stakeholders so we can better understand the ecosystem’s dynamics and needs. If you’re interested in chatting, please shoot us a message.