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15 min read • Published on 2 Nov 2024

Governance Review #31

Avatar of Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Governance Representative

Another full week in DAO governance.

Governance Review #31 publication thumbnail


Optimism is gearing up for the 6th Round of Retro Funding.

Cycle 29 Final Roundup

Gonna, the Grants Council Lead, has published the final roundup for Cycle 29, during which they approved a record 12 applications for audit requests. He also used the opportunity to announce that Chainsecurity and OpenZeppelin are now whitelisted as Audit Service Providers.

During Cycle 29, the Grants Council received a total of 55 applications, with 29 of them passing the final review. You can see all the finalists here.

Retro Funding 6: Badgeholder Manual

Optimism Foundation published a manual meant to assist Badgeholders with the upcoming Retro Funding round 6 voting. The key information includes:

  • Voting period: Oct 31st - Nov 13th 18:00 UTC
  • Participation: Selected badgeholders and guest voters are expected to allocate up to 10 hours to participate in round 56
  • Reward Amount: Maximum per project: 12.5% of total round allocation; min per project: 1,000 OP
  • Impact Period: October 2023 - September 18th 2024
  • Voting Transparency: Votes on round allocation and category budget will be public, votes on individual projects will be private, and conflict of interest disclosures will be public.

Retro Funding 6: Self-dealing Policy

The Optimism Foundation published a post outlining a self-dealing policy for Retro Funding 6. While Optimists (all delegates, Citizens, and grant recipients) are expected to refrain from self-dealing, the Foundation has defined a process to address self-dealing in Round 6, if needed.

RetroPitches: Showcasing Retro Funding Round 6 Projects

Rosmari published a post to announce RetroPitches, an initiative to support Retro Funding Round 6 by helping showcase and evaluate public goods creators who are advancing governance infrastructure & tooling, analytics, and leadership on Optimism.

The first RetroPitches session will take place this Thursday at the Optimism Town Hall at 18:00 UTC, with additional sessions planned for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week, as listed in the post.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re always keen to chat with delegates about all things Optimism. These days, we’re particularly interested in chatting with builders on Optimism or any of the member chains of the Superchain.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all of the above and more during our Optimism Office Hours every Tuesday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Grants Council Office Hours on 4.11 at 17:00

Joint House Community Call on 5.11 at 19:00

govNERD Office Hours on 7.11 at 19:00


There are two active onchain votes and one active temp-check, and a handful of other notable discussions in Arbitrum.

Active Votes


(V2) Arbitrum Research & Development Collective – ends on November 14 at 22:41 UTC

Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025 – ends on November 14 at 21:46 UTC


Adopt a Delegate Code of Conduct & Formalize Operations – ends on November 7 at 22:56 UTC.

[RFC] Arbitrum as the Home of Builders - embracing Chain Abstraction

Maxlomu submitted an RFC that advocates the adoption of a comprehensive chain abstraction package that bootstraps and promotes this stack across all Orbit chains. It outlines a phased implementation, beginning with a working stream to define technical solutions, budget asks and then initiate an RFP process that leads to implementation.

The post itself is more about the discussion around the importance of exploring chain abstraction and interoperability from a high-level perspective rather than a concrete and finalized proposal on how to do so. We encourage you to read the whole post and drop your own thoughts to drive the discussion forward.

[RFC] OpCo – A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution

Entropy submitted an RFC that seeks to propose the creation of a DAO-adjacent operating company (OpCo) that delegates and key stakeholders will be able to leverage to achieve DAO-defined goals.

The proposal is very extensive and thorough so covering the entirety of the proposed setup with all its specifications is too much for this review. On a high level, the proposal seeks 10,000,000 ARB upfront, and 24,000,000 ARB vested over 24 to be earmarked for the OpCo, suggests KPIs, outlines an oversight and transparency committee, and includes a timeline for implementation.

[RFC] Unifying Arbitrum’s Mission, Vision, Purpose (MVP)

Entropy published an RFC in an attempt to unify Arbitrum’s mission, vision, and purpose (MVP), as defined by the DAO. The way Entropy is approaching it can be split into 3 phases:

  1. Achieve wide-reaching agreement on why the Arbitum DAO exists and what it’s trying to accomplish.
  2. Enable anyone to propose a strategy matrix made up of 12 and 24-month focus areas for the DAO through an open process.
  3. Combined with financial forecasting, budget the DAO for the next 12 to 24 months by earmarking capital to each strategic focus area ratified in step 2.

The proposal is more about the process through which the DAO can conclude on an MVP and less about Entropy’s suggestions on what the mission, vision, and purpose should be. We encourage everyone to read the post and participate in the discussion.

[RFC] Dedicated DAO Contributors: Enhancing Live Initiatives and Driving Key Workstreams

Alex Lumley and Disruption Joe submitted an RFC that seeks funding for them to work full-time for up to one year, focusing on two critical areas:

  • Executing governance operations: designing better systems, documenting the role, and preparing for handoff to OpCo.
  • Strategic workstream design: building governance processes, executing governance operations, and preparing to hand off leadership to a future workstream steward.

The requested budget has not yet been defined. It will be based on the immediate needs, which are determined by delegates while discussing the proposal.

TimeBoost revenue as a sustainable ARB staking yield source

Cupojoseph published a post that discusses the proposition of giving the DAO the option to route 5%, 10%, or 15% of TimeBoost revenue towards ARB staking. Depending on market scenarios and amount of staked ARB, on the high end 5% of Timeboost revenue could add as much as 4.48% APR for 200,000,000 ARB, and up to 13.44% APR for 200,000,000 ARB at 15% of revenue.

Discuss with L2BEAT

With proposals discussing the mission and vision of the DAO, chain abstraction, an OpCo and full-time contributors, it’s obvious that the DAO has been looking at the bigger picture lately. We’re interested in discussing the bigger picture with other delegates to get their views and better understand everyone’s perspective.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all of the above and more during our Arbitrum Office Hours every Thursday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Open Discussion of Proposal(s) - Bi-weekly Governance Call on 5.11 at 16:00

Entropy Advisors - biweekly office hours on 5.11 at 17:15

Social Media Fellowship on 7.11 at 17:00


There are two proposals for funding of governance platforms on Uniswap these days.

Active Votes


Tally Uniswap Proposal – ends on November 4 at 22:13 UTC

[RFC] - Supporting Tally’s Continued Development and Enhancements for Uniswap DAO Governance

Dennisonb, the CEO of Tally, submitted an RFC that seeks to propose the DAO funds Tally with $250,000/year for 2 years. The funding would cover Tally’s continuous development and support of Uniswap DAO, as well as the creation of new features, including:

  • Staking
  • Gasless Voting
  • Forum Bot
  • Optimistic Governance
  • UI Support for Uniswap Accountability Committee (UAC)

For the execution of the proposal, Tally suggests that the funds are transferred to and held by the UAC, and then paid to Tally over 8 quarters. The proposal has already moved to Snapshot for a temp-check vote.

[RFC] Lighthouse: Elevating Uniswap DAO Governance

Arnold from Lighthouse submitted an RFC that seeks to propose that the DAO funds ‘Lighthouse,’ a governance lab designed to enhance the DAO’s onchain governance experience, to the tune of $125,000/year for 2 years. The funding would support ongoing development and integration of Lighthouse’s governance interface and Research & Development to the meta-governance space.

Uniswap Foundation Security Fund Launch

Areta published a post to announce the Subsidy Fund for Security Services in collaboration with Uniswap Foundation. The $1,000,000 fund will be used to subsidize up to 100% of the auditing fees of security services for eligible projects building Uniswap v4 hooks.

You can learn more information on the dedicated Notion page, and interested projects or providers can declare interest through this form.

Brief thoughts on how the DAO could grow

Getty published a post to discuss different ways the DAO could grow apart from the fee switch. He started off by noting that he believes the fee switch for Uniswap v3 is probably the most productive item the DAO can pursue, and he continued by presenting some of his ideas.

The post includes a call to action for other delegates to participate in the discussion and offer their own ideas.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re interested in discussing the funding requests from Tally and Lighthouse as we believe governance platforms play an integral role in the DAO and it’s important that they can continue to operate.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Uniswap Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


In Hop, there’s nothing new in terms of governance other than the Hop Grant Program.

Hop Exchange Debuts New Grants Program and Seeks Request for Proposals

Shane published a post to announce the HOP Grant Program, with a budget of 2,250,000 HOP to support the growth and development of the Hop Protocol and its DAO. The post includes a call for applications to fulfill some of the published RFPs, but also welcomes proposals that are not explicitly mentioned in the RFP list.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re happy to discuss ideas for RFPs that would support Hop with delegates and other stakeholders.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Hop Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


The Community Treasury Board published its Season 1 transparency report.

Community Grants Season 1 Transparency Report

Pete from the Community Treasury (CT) Board published a transparency report for Season 1 of the CT. Funded via a dedicated POL token emission stream, the Community Treasury is a reserve intended to fund community growth on Polygon networks. Key highlights include:

  • For S1, out of the total approved budget of up to 35M POL, the CTB approved proposals amounting to 17.51M POL (50.05%)
  • Out of this, 13.85M POL (79.04% of total approved grants) was committed under the Direct Funding Track, and 3.67M POL (20.96% of total approved grants) was committed through the Grant Allocator Track.

The report is very extensive and thorough, so we encourage you to read the full post.

Discuss with L2BEAT

If there are things in Polygon you’d like to discuss with us, please do reach out!

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Polygon Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


Discuss with L2BEAT

Starknet’s governance hasn’t seen any new developments over the last week. If you believe we might have missed something, please let us know.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Starknet Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


There’s a proposal for the introduction of a Security Task Force to help enhance Everclear’s security, and there’s an RFC for the creation of an inventory access layer for Everclear solvers.

Active Votes


Everclear Security Task Force – ends on November 3 at 00:26 UTC

[RFC] Nomial - Inventory Access for Solvers

Mikec submitted an RFC that proposes a solution to the problem of solver capital requirements increasing incrementally for each additional chain they support. The outlined solution is an Inventory Access Layer that solvers rebalancing through Everclear can utilize.

Nominal is requesting a $15,000 grant to build an MVP for low-cost inventory access for Everclear solvers. The grant will cover the development of the smart contracts, the Nomial Validator off-chain service, the baseline solver service, and the deployment and devops setup.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re interested in discussing the Security Task Force proposal by Creed with other delegates, as well as the proposal by Nomial with relevant stakeholders.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Everclear Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


While Wormhole does not have a new proposal or notable discussion, there will be a community call on November 4th.

Community Call: November 4

Blockworks Research and GFX Labs will be hosting the next Wormhole community call on November 4 at 15:00 UTC.

Discuss with L2BEAT:

We’re interested in discussing with other Wormhole delegates or stakeholders and learning more about the areas in which we could be involved. Although we do not have dedicated Office Hours for Wormhole yet, we encourage you to message us, and we’ll find time to chat.


Lisk’s governance hasn’t seen any new developments over the last week. If you believe we might have missed something, please let us know.

Discuss with L2BEAT:

We’re interested in discussing with other Lisk delegates or stakeholders and learning more about the areas in which we could be involved. Although we do not have dedicated Office Hours for Lisk yet, we encourage you to message us, and we’ll find time to chat.


The first onchain proposal for ZKsync is up on Tally and it’s about a 325,000,000 ZK program to establish a DeFi liquidity.

Active Votes


[TPP-001] ZKsync Ignite Program: Creating a Liquidity Hub for ZKsync – ends on November 12 at 17:18 UTC

Delegate Meetup @ Devcon 7 thailand - ACTION FOR DELEGATES: TOPIC CURATION

On Tuesday, November 12th the ZKsync Governance Systems Team (Gov Team) is hosting a small ZKsync Delegate Meetup 8 in Bangkok. The gathering will focus on workshopping key topics that are at the top of Delegates’ minds in the early months following the launch of ZK Nation.

Delegates can register here.

Standing Delegate Call 29.10. - Recording

The recording has been published for anyone who missed the delegate’s call on October 29th.

What worked, what didn’t – Best (DAO) practices

Cap, following the delegate’s call on October 29th, published a post to continue the discussion from the call on what we believe has worked well in other DAOs in terms of governance practices and proposals that could also be applied to ZKsync.

As 2 of those ideas, Cap included the following:

The post includes a call to action for delegates also to share their own ideas, insights and experiences.

Discuss with L2BEAT:

There are many things we’re keen to discuss with other delegates and relevant stakeholders on ZKsync. While we do not have dedicated office hours for ZKsync yet, you can message us and we’ll find time to chat!