11 min read • Published on 23 Feb 2024

Governance Review #06

Avatar of Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Governance Representative

L2BEAT provides weekly updates on governance in concise articles.

Governance Review #06 publication thumbnail


Optimism Airdrop #4

Optimism announced its 4th $OP airdrop which was aimed at creators with addresses that deployed NFT contracts on Ethereum L1, Base, OP Mainnet, and Zora before 10 January 2024.

You can read more about the airdrop and find the link to the claiming page here.

Next Joint-House (Token + Citizen) Community Call

Michael announced that the next community call is going to be a joint call between both Token and Citizen Houses and it will take place on Tuesday, February 27th, 2024.

[Discussion] Impact=Profit is a bad meme and mechanism

Connor published a post and an article to start a discussion around the impact=profit mechanism that Optimism, and especially RPGF, is based on. Connor suggests Impact=Funding as an alternative and provides more insights into their thinking in the article they’ve written and linked in the post.

Discuss with L2BEAT

What are your thoughts regarding the 4th airdrop? Are there any topics you would like to discuss during the joint community call? We’re slowly working toward distilling all the feedback we have for Season 5 and we’re interested in hearing your thoughts on how Season 5 has developed.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Optimism Office Hours every Tuesday at 4 pm UTC.


[RFC] Questbook DDA Program Request for Continuation

Srijith, the program manager for Questbook DDA grants program, submitted an RFC which seeks to continue the program with the same domains (New Protocol Ideas, Gaming, Dev Tooling on One and NOVA, and Education Growth, Community and Events) for another 6 months, with a new budget of $4,000,000. Each domain would have $920,000 distributed through grants, while $320,000 would be used to cover the costs of the program, including the compensation for the program manager and domain allocators.

[RFC] Plurality Labs Milestone 1B(ridge)

DisruptionJoe submitted an RFC that seeks funding for the continuation and iteration of Plurality Labs’ Milestone 1. Following a lot of feedback from delegates, the new proposal requests the same amount of funding and the same timeframe as their original one, which is 3,360,000 ARB for 6 months. Of that 3,36M ARB, 336k will be the compensation for Plurality Labs, 224k will be the compensation for program management, and the remaining 2.776M ARB will be distributed through grants.

The 3 key changes in the new proposal are:

  1. Plurality Labs Board: A board of top voices in the Arbitrum community for oversight, and to ensure decentralized decision-making.
  2. Human validations: Thrive Protocol enables Plurality Labs to validate when value is created, and pay out funds to projects upon value creation.
  3. Team upgrade: They’ll be bringing out the big guns for this one, adding team members that know grants, know DAOs, and know scale.

[RFC] RnDAO proposal for an Arbitrum Collab Tech Business Cluster

Daniel from RnDAO submitted an RFC which proposes a collaborative approach to venture building with a vertical focus on CollabTech (Business Cluster approach), to advance the sustainability, relevance, and network effects of the ArbitrumDAO.

Through a pilot grant to RnDAO via Plurality Labs, RnDAO is running a builders pipeline program, consisting of two steps:

  1. Research Fellowship: 3-month paid Fellowship for aspiring builders to dive deep and validate a problem through user research, market research, and engaging with experts.
  2. Venture Programme: 4–6 month program with 50k Arb and $100k worth of hands-on support for builders to build a team, develop an MVP, and market-test their solution.

The initial pilot enabled funding for 6 seats in the Fellowships program and 1 seat in the Venture Programme. And is set to finish at the end of Q1. With the current RFC, RnDAO proposes that ArbitrumDAO funds the next step in this Business Cluster development initiative.

Writing Your First Proposal to the ArbitrumDAO

The Arbitrum Foundation published a guide on how you can create and submit your own proposal to the DAO.

Discuss with L2BEAT

With both Questbook and Plurality Labs’ grant programs nearing their end, the DAO needs to act quickly to decide whether or not we should continue the existing programs as they are, if we should continue them but with adjustments, or if we should look into creating new ones from scratch. We think that continuing the programs with some adjustments makes sense but we’re curious to hear the community’s thoughts as well as any feedback on the programs that they might have.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Arbitrum Office Hours every Thursday at 4 pm UTC.


On Chain Vote — Uniswap Revitalization and Growth

Following a series of temp checks to determine the amount of UNI the DAO will allocate to actively supporting and incentivizing new deployments of Uniswap v3 in several different chains, the proposal has now moved to an on-chain vote.

If the proposal is successful, 549,000 UNI will be transferred to the Uniswap Accountability Committee which is responsible for deploying the funds to the voted-on chains in an appropriate way.

The Tally vote ends on February 18th at 9:21 pm UTC.

[RFC] Activate Uniswap Protocol Governance

Erin, the Governance Lead at Uniswap Foundation, submitted an RFC on behalf of the Foundation that proposes to upgrade the protocol such that its fee mechanism rewards UNI token holders who have delegated and staked their tokens.

Uniswap Foundation has funded two new smart contracts which, if implemented by this governance proposal, would:

  1. Upgrade Uniswap Protocol Governance to enable the permissionless and programmatic collection of protocol fees
  2. Distribute any protocol fees pro-rata to UNI token holders who have staked and delegated their votes
  3. Allow for governance to continue to control core parameters: which pools are charged a fee, and the magnitude of the fee

[RFC] Uniswap Delegate Reward

Doo from Stable Lab submitted an RFC which proposes a 6-month program with a total budget of $600K in UNI to incentivize and reward Uniswap delegates based on 3 main factors:

  1. Voting participation
  2. Communication
  3. Badge Ownership

The eligibility requirements are being discussed, but the proposed requirements for the time being are:

  • Having >=80% participation & communication in votes the last 3 months, and
  • Having over 500,000 UNI delegated, or
  • Holding a “Badge”, which is an endorsement from a delegate with over 500,000 UNI voting power

[RFC] Uniswap Delegate Gas Rebates

Bobbay from UMA submitted an RFC that seeks to introduce gas rebates for delegates’ on-chain voting costs based on their participation metrics to retain current delegates as well as lower the entry barrier to participating in Uniswap DAO. The proposal requests a total budget of $50K in ETH to reimburse active Uniswap Delegates.

January 24 Uniswap Report

GFXlabs published a Uniswap financial report for January and announced that they’ll be doing them on a monthly basis in the Oku newsletter.

Discuss with L2BEAT

Both the proposal to upgrade the fee mechanism to reward UNI stakers and delegators, as well as the proposal to directly reward delegates directly aim to increase participation in Uniswap’s governance. We’re very interested in discussing these proposals with active participants in the Uniswap ecosystem so we can better understand their implications.

When/where to catch us:

You can catch us to discuss all the above and more during our Uniswap Office Hours every Friday at 4 pm UTC.


Temp Check — [HIP-44] Treasury Diversification for Ongoing DAO Expenses

This proposal by Shane of Hop Foundation proposes that we sell 25% of Hop DAO’s ARB holdings (209,251 ARB) for USDC. This should raise approximately $440k for Hop DAO at current prices (~$2.10) to cover ongoing expenses, including Authereum Labs Engagement, and the compensation of Hop Community Moderators.

The Snapshot vote ends on February 26th, 2024 at 09:48 pm UTC.

Temp Check — [HIP-45] Head of DAO Operations Election

This proposal by Francom seeks to elect the Head of DAO Operations role. The only nominee was Francom so the vote is basically voting for the nominee, against them, or abstaining.

The Snapshot vote ends on February 26 2024 at 10:25 pm UTC.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re keen to discuss whether it makes sense to approach treasury diversification with a more holistic approach rather than sporadically selling some tokens when the need arises. We’re also very interested in discussing how the DAO can best leverage the Head of DAO Operations to increase its activity.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Hop Office Hours every Friday at 4 pm UTC.


Goodbye Polygon Wallet

Vestival from Polygon Labs announced the sunsetting of Polygon Wallet, and its replacement with Polygon Portal.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re always happy to chat with Polygon ecosystem participants, ranging from delegates to builders on Polygon.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all things Polygon at our Polygon Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


$STRK Airdrop

The Starknet Foundation announced the $STRK airdrop on February 20th and it will be available for eligible participants to claim until June 20th.

Starknet v0.13.1: Fee Reduction

Ilia from Starkware created a post to announce that on top of the features outlined in their post with the details of the Starknet v0.13.1 the gas cost of a Cairo step (and of every built-in) will reduced by a factor of 2.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We expect $STRK airdrop to kick things off in terms of Starknet governance. We’d love to chat with people who plan on participating in governance, and with people who are looking to whom they should delegate their tokens.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all things Starknet during our Starknet Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


[RFC] Incentivized NEXT-wETH Gauge at Bunni on Ethereum Mainnet

0xokaro submitted an RFC that advocates for Connext to further enhance its liquidity strategy by establishing a presence on Bunni. Bunni is asking the DAO to create a gauge on Bunni and allocate $500 for biweekly bribes for the next 8 weeks, therefore further incentivizing NEXT-wETH liquidity on Uniswap V3 with the help of Bunni.

The overall cost to the DAO would be 5400 $NEXT ,$200 of which will go for pool establishment and initial liquidity provisioning, with the remaining going to liquidity providers as incentives.

[RFC] Connext Expansion Proposal V2

Nadjana from the Connext Foundation submitted an RFC that seeks approval from the Connext DAO to allow the Connext Foundation to add future protocol support for additional chains at its discretion in advance of the next network upgrade, which aims to make the process more automated.

[RFC] Execution Bond Change

Nadjana from the Connext Foundation submitted another RFC that proposes changing the 5 WETH bond needed to request proposal execution to 2 WETH, so oSnap bot can request execution and execute transactions automatically. Reducing the bond from 5 to 2 WETH would enable us to run a bot by the oSnap team that will automatically execute transactions going forward.

[RFC] Seed $NEXT liquidity in Stella Lending Pools

Apoorv9 from Stella submitted an RFC that seeks to propose a liquidity seeding of $50k worth of $NEXT. As part of this seed, Stella has already added support for leveraged LPing on the NEXT/ETH pool on Uniswap V3. Additionally, Stella has already added support for the $NEXT lending pool on Stella lend

The cost for the DAO would be ~131,000 $NEXT ($50k at $0.38 per $NEXT).

Discuss with L2BEAT

With multiple different proposals about liquidity incentives being submitted, perhaps it’s worth exploring some framework to deal with them instead of going on a case-by-case basis. We’d be interested in hearing the community’s thoughts on that and we’d also be interested in discussing the proposed changes by the Connext Foundation.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Connext Office Hours every Friday at 4 pm UTC.