9 min read • Published on 8 Mar 2024

Governance Review #08

Avatar of Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Governance Representative

L2BEAT provides weekly updates on governance in concise articles.

Governance Review #08 publication thumbnail


Token Sale March 2024

The Optimism Foundation announced that they have entered into a private token sale of approximately 19.5M OP tokens. The tokens are subject to a two-year lockup. During the lock-up, the purchaser will be able to delegate the tokens to unaffiliated third parties for participation in governance.

Retro Citizen Rewards: Retro Funding 3

Following the conclusion of the third round of RetroPGF, the Optimism Foundation announced the retroactive rewards for citizens. Citizens dedicated more than 30 hours on average to voting in Retro Funding 3, more than 40 citizens volunteered to review over 1000 reported applications for application rule violations, and collectively citizens submitted more than 10,000 votes in Retro Funding 3.

Retro Funding: Moving from broad to narrow-scoped rounds

The Optimism Foundation announced that, based on learnings of rounds with a broad scope, the Collective is going to experiment with narrow-scoped rounds, which are expected to introduce several advantages:

Drive & measure builder behavior: A narrower scope allows builders to better understand what will be rewarded in the future. It allows the Collective to focus marketing efforts on reaching the relevant audience for each round. Further, it enables improvements in the measurement of impact created as a result of a Retro Funding round. Measuring the effectiveness of Retro Funding is key for the Citizens’ House to be able to make informed allocation decisions.

Adapt round design to scope: Different types of impact can be addressed by different types of round design. By leveraging a narrow round scope, we can embrace the different types of contributions and optimize for the most accurate impact assessment within the scope of the round.

Prioritization: In its current form, Retro Funding has taken an approach where “everything is in scope”, resulting in a lack of focus. Multiple types of rounds allow the Collective to prioritize a subset of impact.

For the remainder of 2024, Retroactive Public Goods Funding will exclusively experiment with rounds featuring a narrow scope and pause the execution of broad-scoped rounds.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all of the above and more during our Optimism Office Hours every Tuesday at 4 pm UTC.


Temp Check - Fix Fee Oversight ArbOS v20 “Atlas”

This proposal seeks to fix an oversight during the ArbOS Version 20 “Atlas” upgrade where two configurations should be updated for users when the Dencun upgrade occurs:

  • L1 surplus fee. Reduce the surplus fee per byte from 2 gwei to 0.
  • L2 base fee. Reduce the minimum from 0.1 gwei to 0.01 gwei.

The Snapshot vote ends on March 12, 2024 at 4:31 pm UTC.

[Elections] Arbitrum Research and Development Collective (ARDC)

Following the nomination period, the ARDC is now in the process of electing its members.

Research Member Election

  1. Blockworks/Delphi Digital
  2. The Block

Security Member Election

  1. OpenZeppelin
  2. Trail of Bits
  3. Zellic/Dedaub
  4. Halborn
  5. Nethermind
  6. Spearbit
  7. DoDAO

Risk Member Election/Ratification

  1. Chaos Labs

DAO Advocate Election

  1. L2BEAT/Ant Federation
  2. Pavel Fedotov

The elections will end on March 12, 2024 at 4:05 pm UTC.

[RFC] Fund Roman Storm and Alexey Pertsev’s Legal Defense

Following community discussion, ImmutableLawyer submitted an RFC with the objective for the DAO to allocate funds to support the legal defense of Roman Storm and Alexey Pertsev, the developers of Tornado Cash.

[PUBLIC CONSULTATION] Subsidy Fund - Service Fee Consultation

ImmutableLawyer has created a post on behalf of the Arbitrum DAO Procurement Committee (ADPC) that seeks to collect feedback to deduce a proportionate allocation for the Committee’s subsidy fund.

LTIPP Applications Update

The application period for the Long Term Incentives Pilot Program (LTIPP) has concluded and applicants now have until March 17th to improve their application based on feedback from delegates or their Application Advisor.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’ve combined our forces with dk3 and the Ant Federation in nomination for ARDC’s DAO Advocate role. The vote is still ongoing, but we’d like to connect with delegates and other stakeholders to discuss how we could best serve the DAO if we are elected.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all of the above and more during our Arbitrum Office Hours every Thursday at 4 pm UTC.


Temp Check - Uniswap V3 Fees: Factory Owner Amendment

Following the proposal by Uniswap Foundation to activate protocol governance, MichiganBlockchain, 404DAO, and GFXlabs submitted a proposal that seeks to introduce an amendment to the Uniswap V3 Factory owner to allow the DAO to make future changes to the fee mechanism.

The Snapshot vote ends on March 9th, 2024 at 5:59 am UTC.

[RFC] Uniswap Delegate Reward - Update

Following feedback regarding the Uniswap Delegate Reward discussion, a working group was formed to assess the current landscape of Uniswap governance and delegate responsibilities, all to build the framework for a successful Delegate Reward Initiative.

As L2BEAT, we’ll be participating in the working group and we’re interested in hearing your thoughts and feedback so we can incorporate it in the work that we’ll be doing.

Discuss with L2BEAT

As we already commented, the main argument we’ve seen against activating the protocol’s governance -which is the main argument behind the proposed amendment, is that we should discuss the implementation more, without offering any concrete counterarguments against the currently proposed one. While we’ve voted against the amendment and in favor of the protocol governance activation, we’re keen to hear the community’s thoughts before the on-chain vote.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Uniswap Office Hours every Friday at 4 pm UTC.


On Chain Vote - [HIP-44] Treasury Diversification for Ongoing DAO Expenses

The proposal seeks to sell 25% of Hop DAO’s ARB holdings (209,251 ARB) for USDC. This should raise approximately $408k for Hop DAO at current prices (~$1.95) which will be used to cover ongoing expenses.

The Tally vote ends on March 11th, 2024 at 6:50 pm UTC.

Discuss with L2BEAT

During the last community call on 6.3.2024, we discussed creating a more organized approach around treasury management instead of sporadically and arbitrarily selling assets to cover expenses. To that end, 0xLev1 has started working on that front. We’re happy to contribute to the initiative but we’d love to first chat with other delegates and get their feedback.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss the above and more during our Hop Office Hours every Friday at 4 pm UTC.


[RFC] TEE Based Multi-proof for Polygon zkEVM

H4x published a post that seeks to discuss the idea of building a multi-proof system for Polygon zkEVM based on the 2FA zk-rollups using SGX discussion on the Ethereum Research forum, initiated by Justin Drake

The reasoning behind the idea is that zk-rollups are theoretically solid but practically error-prone. Because the implementation is quite complex. To hedge the bugs in ZK verifier, a hardware solution, Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), can be used as a 2-factor verifier to offer double security to zk-rollups.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Polygon Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


[Announcement] Cairo v2.6.0 is out.

FeedTheFed from Starkware announced the release of Cairo v2.6.0.

This version involves a Sierra upgrade to v1.5.0, which means contracts written with v2.6.0 are only deployable on Starknet ≥ 0.13.1. The testnets upgrades are planned for March 5th and 6th (Sepolia and Goerli correspondingly), while the mainnet upgrade is planned for approximately one week later. As usual, you can continue using older compiler versions and deploy them on Starknet.

This version is not very heavy feature-wise, but it does include significant performance improvements, potentially significantly reducing the number of steps (and, as a result, the transaction fees) in your contract’s functions without requiring code changes. To be clear, to enjoy this potential speedup, you need to recompile your contracts with v2.6.0, and upgrade your contracts to use the new code.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all things Starknet during our Starknet Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


[RFC] Partnership Token Agreements - Update

Nadjana from the Connext Foundation published an update on their RFC seeking approval from the DAO to award a predefined number of NEXT tokens to long-standing partners of Connext for their meaningful contributions.

Specifically, the update seeks to increase Veil’s allocation d from 3M $NEXT to 4M, and to outline the execution of the proposal given that all partners have similar but complex vesting and lockup schedules. Instead of proposing an executable that transfers the amounts to the contract, it will be executed through the security council, pending the DAO vote passing.

[RFC] 1Hive xPollinate Retroactive Proposal - Update

Following delegate feedback and a discussion with the Connext Foundation, Monstrosity updated the total amount requested in their proposal from 815,208 to 360,000 $NEXT. Nadjana also commented on behalf of the Foundation to acknowledge 1Hive’s contributions as early supporters and their request as fair and reasonable.

Discuss with L2BEAT

In December, the DAO voted on creating a Liquidity Task Force (LTF) to kickstart a liquidity incentive pilot program for 3 months. We’ve now entered March and the program is set to end at the end of the month. We’d like to start a discussion to see what the results of the pilot were, decide whether we want to extend it or not, whether we should select new members or not, and generally decide how we want to proceed, especially given the recent liquidity-related proposals that have been submitted to the DAO.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Connext Office Hours every Friday at 4 pm UTC.